The Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP) uses the heat generated by curing cement (hydration energy) to assess the quality of cast in place concrete foundations such as drilled shafts, bored, continuous flight augured and drilled displacement piles. TIP is usually completed within 48 hours of shaft installation which is earlier than any other integrity evaluation cast in place concrete foundations.
The expected temperature at any location is dependent on the shaft diameter, mix design, time of measurement and distance to the centre of the shaft. TIP evaluates the concrete quality of the entire cross-section, including outside the reinforcing cage, and along the entire length, without maximum length limitations.

CMR Tech uses the TIP Thermal Wire Cable System, ASTM 7949 Method B, which includes cables fitted with digital thermal sensors spaced every 305mm attached to the reinforcing cage prior to concreting.
A Thermal Acquisition Port (TAP) is connected to every wire and automatically samples data throughout the temperature curing process. The temperature versus time history prior to the peak temperature is inspected to confirm uniform quality or spot potential anomalies.